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I never would have guessed that being part of an Ontario family farm (almost felt adopted) between the ages of 5 and 16 would later become a blessing I better understood being beyond what I could have ever imagined. I am in my 60’s now and still pass that same farm reimagining all those crop filled fields and active buildings, now missing the key persons who faithfully worked the land and raised the kids and gardens while caring for all the animals residing there. Great events and visual pictures for me to recall start entering my mind, owning a ‘life’ lesson learned. My first farm living experience was within a ‘real’ self-sustaining and family owned farm. Hard work and helping neighbours ruled the activities of each and every day! It was a different time for sure, all good, some fearful or sad but educational in one big, no walled, classroom. I need to record some of what went on and how ‘the friends on the farm’ made such an impact on my life.

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